Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Common Knowledge About Hyacinth Flowers

Hyacinth flowers with its magnificent blooms are a pride for every hobbyist. The popularity of jacinth as a garden plant grew in the late 18th century. The heady fragrance, the bright colors and the long spike inflorescence are characteristic features of these plants which flower during spring. Thus, they not only beautify the landscape design, but also fill the garden with a sweet scent. Let's try to learn some facts about the jacinth flower, its origin, colors, meaning, propagating bulb and caring tips.

Hyacinth flowers are native to the Mediterranean and African regions. While selecting the plant for your garden, do non confuse common garden jacinth with grape hyacinth. The former bears star-shaped flowers in a compact spike inflorescence, while the blooms of the latter resemble grape clusters, borne in a raceme inflorescence.

At present, we celebrate March 7 as the World Hyacinth Day, a day when the plants are in full bloom. Many of us wonder, how did the hyacinth flower originate? There is an interesting story behind hyacinth blooms. As per Greek mythology, Hyakinthos was a handsome young Greek man adored by Apollo and Zephyr. When Apollo was teaching Hyakinthos how to master saucer throwing, Zephyr grew jealous and blew back the saucer which killed Hyakinthos. It is believed that jacinth flowers grew from the spilled blood of Hyakinthos.

Hyacinth represents a group of more than 30 different species, out of which some are known for their vivid colors. The flower comes in a variety of colors which includes white, cream, yellow, salmon, peach, pink, orange, red, lavender, purple and blue. With so many hyacinth flower options, you can select specific varieties to create a color pattern in your flower garden.

The symbolic meaning of a hyacinth flower varies based on the color. For example a white hyacinth represents loveliness, a yellow flower stands for jealousy and a purple jacinth symbolizes a supplication for forgiveness. But, in general, hyacinth flower stands for games, sports and consistency according to flower language.

Hyacinths propagate with the help of bulbs, which may be cream to light purple in color. While buying them for plantation, ensure that you select healthy, large sized jacinth bulbs without soft or black spots. It is often found that large bulbs give large sized flowers than those produced by small hyacinths bulbs. You should also look for disease and pest resistant hyacinth varieties.

If you are thinking of planting hyacinth flower, then make sure that you plant the bulb during fall, about one and half month before the arrival of heavy frost. The preferable atmospherical temperature for planting these bulbs is above 60 F. First, till the soil and mix organic compost in it. For planting, burrow a hole of about 8 inch deep and place the hyacinth bulb. Water the plant frequently during the day and if there are dry spells.

The hyacinth flower blooms during spring, in the months of March to April. After the blooming season is over, trim the flower stalk astatine the base, while retaining the leaves for drying on their own. If you want large blooms in successive years, you should supplement the soil with compost annually. If you notice smaller flowers in the following years, consider replanting the hyacinth bulbs.

Hyacinth flowers emit a sweet fragrance and so is used to make perfumes and are planted commercially for this purpose. They are also popularly sold as cut flowers at the florists center. So, if you have hyacinth flowers in the garden, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy their heady fragrance inside the house. You can cut the flowering stalk at the base and maintain them in the same way as you do for other regular cut flowers.

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